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News and Events

The 27th TAFISA World Congress 2022 has just started

June 10, 2022

The 27th TAFISA World Congress 2022 has just started with over 300 participants from 55 countries and regions in Portorož, Slovenia under the theme of “Sport for All in a Changing World”.

The Association of Sport for All (TAFISA) organizes its world congress every two years. However, this 2021 congress has been postponed for one-year because of the COVID-19 global pandemic.

TAFISA Member organizations, researchers, and practitioners who promote Sport for All movement in respective country/region gather and discuss about further development of the movement.

1. Opening Remarks by Dr. Ju-Ho Chang, TAFISA President

Dr. Ju-Ho Chang, TAFISA President made an opening remark. He expressed sincere appreciation to the Organising Committee, participants and all stakeholders to open this event successfully while still affected by the COVID-19 global pandemic.

He stressed that global issues such as environment problem or war between Russia and Ukraine are “our problem” but not others’ to solve. He closed his speech saying, “power of sport promoted through Sport for All maximises people’s moral and humanitarian duties”.

Dr. Ju-Ho Chang, TAFISA President

Dr. Ju-Ho Chang, TAFISA President

2. Keynote Speech: Prof. Cora Burnett, Research Professor (South Africa, University of Johannesburg)

Digitalization of all aspects in modern society are changing our everyday habits. The increase of screen time gives us more sedentary lifestyle, and even changes dietary habit. It is clear that “Sport for All” would be one of the effective solutions to this issue of sedentary lifestyle.

International Olympic Committee (IOC) asserts that it will strengthen the role of sport as an important enabler for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN), and stresses the importance of “sustainability and resilience” of sport.

Especially, for children, sport is a kind of “language” to communicate, and key factors, which let them grow physically, mentally and in terms of skills for their future career.

3. Session: Mr Wolfgang Baumann (Germany, TAFISA Secretary General)

“Diversity” is a keyword for TAFISA in terms of partnership, membership, target sports and target groups. It’s indeed that “Physical Activity is a mother of Sport”. Seeking coexistence of “Physical Activity” and “Sport” through learning differences of each is crucial to develop Sport for All movement and TAFISA itself.”

4. World Café Sport and Society: Let's Talk About Mission 2030

TAFISA Mission 2030 was adopted by the TAFISA General Assembly in Seoul, Korea, and it aims to create a better world through Sport for All by 2030 for the next generation to enjoy. Even affected by COVID-19 global pandemic after the adopt, the current situation and progress are shared, and discussed for the further steps to way forward.

5. Exhibitions

At the official hotel lobby, a several organisations exhibits on their projects and future event related to Sport for All. SSF is also having a booth to introduce “White Paper on Sport in Japan” and “National Sports-Life Survey report” to the participants from the globe. At the corner of booth, participants are enjoying experiences of holding a paper crane as a cultural experience. The materials at the booth are provided and supported by Japan Spot Council (JSC), Japan Sport Association (JSPO), Japan Health Promotion & Fitness Foundation and Japan Anti-Doping Agency (JADA).



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